Mormon Inquiry

At the Salt Lake Tribune: “Deseret Book demotes Twilight.” “Demote” means that neither Twilight nor the other volumes in the megaselling series by LDS author Stephanie Meyer are now available at Deseret Book stores or even at their online site. Here’s the inane company statement provided in respose to questions about the move: Like any…

A Mirror of Justice post provides some links related to the proposed Connecticut legislation implementing gay marriage in that state in response to a 2008 state supreme court decision, Kerrigan v. Commissioner of Publilc Health.

At the Boston Globe, journalist Michael Paulson reports on a recent conference held at Utah Valley University on “Mormonism in the Public Mind.” The talks Paulson summarized were largely about Mormonism and politics.

John Mark Reynolds posted “On America, land of cults,” leading off with this provocative statement: “An American cult is what happens when radical individualism meets religion and philosophy.” I was expecting the usual treatment when he got around to the Mormons, but was pleasantly surprised to read the following later in the post.

Does it further the philosophical (or ethical or religious) goal of promoting human flourishing? Have you learned anything? Or is it just a waste of time? These questions come up for discussion from time to time, most recently in light of remarks at LDS General Conference (reviewed in this Nine Moons post) suggesting blogging is…

I’ll review the recent LDS General Conference session by session this week, starting with the Saturday morning session. The Mormon Times provides an index with links to summaries; has now posted full transcripts. As expected, the impact of the recent and continuing economic crisis received a lot of attention, including two contrasting talks in…

It happens twice a year, in April and October, as the senior leaders of the LDS Church speak to the general membership of the LDS Chruch in person (to those attending at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City) and via radio, television, and the Internet. The big news: Elder Neal L. Anderson was called…

The Salt Lake Tribune carried a couple of retrospectives on the Texas FLDS community (hat tip: M&A, which posts additional links and comments). The first story suggests the FLDS community in Texas has largely returned to pre-raid rhythms. It also notes that the anonymous tip received by Texas authorities is now believed to have been…

The Deseret News carried an article summarizing Boston Globe reporter Michael Paulson’s comments at the “Mormonism in the Public Mind” conference being held at UVU this week. According to the article, Paulson thinks “no other faith group is as quick to respond to newspaper coverage as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” The…

A Disciples of Christ minister with an LDS girlfriend posting at an LDS group blog: “Faith and Logic: Finding and Navigating an Individual Balance.” The short summary: personal religious experience is good, but so is clear thinking; temper your sense of certainty with open discussion and listening.

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