by Safeer Ahmad When I first read what happened in Brussels, my throat clenched and I grew anxious, hoping that the so called “Islamic State” had not been responsible. Sadly that was not the case. Yet again a European country faces the terror of extremism. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I condemn these truly inhumane acts…

by Ahtesham Chaudhry Following the horrendous and inexcusable atrocities that occurred in Belgium Thursday morning many correspondents publicized their opinions on the issues. One opinion that I found particularly interesting was the piece by Nabeel Qureshi in which he attacks the religion of Islam at it’s core, claiming that Islam’s Holy Scripture, the Quran, and…

by Ijaz Ahmed The anti-Islamic rhetoric in America has grown dramatically in recent years, with many notable figures jumping on board spreading fear of Islam and Muslims. Thought leaders such as Donald J. Trump, candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, and Jeffrey Falwell Jr, president of Liberty University, are just a few of the growing…

by Dr. Kwabena Osman The opponents of Islam often state that it was spread by the sword. Any unbiased person who critically analyzes history will come to know this is not true. Moreover this assertion is definitely against the commandment in the Holy Quran which states that there shall be no compulsion in matters of…

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