Muslim Youth USA

by Adil Khan I love Jesus. No you won’t see me at Sunday Worship, nor with a cross on my forehead during lent. I don’t believe Jesus is God, and I do not believe that the current state of Christianity is reflective of the beliefs of Jesus Christ. I, like the majority of Christian scholars,…

I am a physician who has worked for the past 5 years to help heal our former servicemen. I have never participated in any protests and would never participate in a violent protest of any sort. I have visited churches on numerous occasions and participated in Bible studies. I have done all these things because…

by Syed Musawar Ahmad  As the news on October 16, 2017 came forward, one news took my attention.  Pakistan elected to UN Human Rights Council, polling 151 votes, and when the question was asked from the Pakistani diplomat about Pakistan’s objective on the council, Ambassador Lodhi said, “We will use our membership to protect our core national…

by Nayyar Ahmad Once again I am forced to write about an issue that has grasped the world’s attention. While it is true that Senator Pauline Hanson from Australia wore a Burqa/face covering to a Parliament proceeding, it is also true that she did it out of malicious intent to disgrace and disrespect this ornament,…

by Aamir Nasir Quraishy The event of the Charlottsville attack left many of us stunned and surprised, and mourning the loss of one of our fellow Americans Heather Heyer. The whole event left many people distraught. However one ill-formed statement was from AZ district 1’s supervisor Amy Miller. “I’m sick and tired of being hit…

by Dhul Waqar Alhaj Yaqub As an Ahmadi Muslim I can say, “Happy Independence Day America” and really mean it. My patriotic realization wasn’t something that happened suddenly, but was gradual with deliberate reservations. We grew up celebrating the 4th of July like everyone else in the neighborhood. It was the barbecue, homemade ice cream, fireworks, family…

by Nayyar Ahmad  Almost all major religions and cultures around the world believe in fasting; Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism etc. Likewise, Islam also enjoins its followers to fast during the month of Ramadhan. Now a week into Ramadhan, Muslims are observing fast from sunup to sundown for 30 days. Apart from abstaining from food and water,…

by Zohaib Zafar  On Monday, ISIL claimed responsibility for another terrorist attack, this time in the city of Manchester, England. We do not know for sure if so called Muslims committed this terrorist attack but we should condemn all terrorist attacks no matter who orchestrates them and those who believe in the power of prayer…

by Haris Raja       In the first week of May 2017, nearly 300 young Muslim men from the US went to visit the Khalifa of Islam, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad in London, UK. The event was organized by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association USA. Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the Head of the world…

By Ahsan Jattala  With Mother’s Day here, we can use this opportunity to remind ourselves of the respect that is due to to all mothers. Mother’s Day isn’t just meant to celebrate our mothers once a year, but rather it reminds us of the respect due to our mothers every day. We live in a…

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