It’s that time again. Let’s talk gardening!
I never had any interest in growing things until a few years ago when I caught the gardening bug. I knew *nothing* and had to do some research to find out how to go about such a thing. I *hate* research…..well, at least I hate the research found in non-fiction books. Fortunately, I soon realized I could learn everything I needed to know about gardening from the best “books” on the planet…people! I asked questions and I asked more questions and here I am four years later with two beautiful gardens that provide us with fresh vegetables April-November (I live in Oklahoma!).
My front yard garden is located directly in front of my porch and has three long rows with enough space between for the tiller to run. I fill it with tomato plants (lots!), eggplants (lots!), green beans, lettuce, and greens. I grow green beans, lettuce and greens in my fall garden, too, so I have them most of the year.
My back yard garden is the spot for vine vegetables…squash, cantaloupe, and cucumbers–but this year I’ve also added two rows of okra.
In the past I’ve also grown: onions, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, pumpkins, watermelon….but not with good results.
I would like this to be a discussion forum.
- Do you have a garden? If not, do you want a garden? If so, what do you plant?
- What plants have you successfully grown?
- What are your tricks of the trade? Any good secrets? (My not-so-secret secret is I use bunny poo to fertilize the garden).
- What’s worked for you? What hasn’t worked for you?
Please share!