I  enjoyed this video! I could relate to it on so many levels. I hope it speaks to you, too.

First, it is a visual to my thoughts in the blog “How to be Happy”; choosing where my mind roams affects everything in my life. Sometimes I just have to say, “Hush, Brain!”

Second, it reminds me of 1999 when I gave birth to our first child, looked in his eyes, and realized I could not go back to my full-time teaching position. Months after,  I continued to introduce myself to strangers as a middle school teacher because my identity was wrapped around my (previous) job. It was so hard to go from the title “Educator” to the title “Stay-at-Home-Mom”: one was safe and the other was scary.

Finally, it reminds me of 2006, after seven years of being a Stay-at-Home-Mom, when I admitted to myself that what I really wanted was to be an actress. It was so ridiculous! I was an over-weight, 30-something mom of small children….living in a tiny, rural community. I was just crazy enough, though, to believe it could happen! And each and every day I repeated, “I will be paid to act”.  Starting summer of 2008 I became a part-time paid actress.

This  fall I become a part-time theater teacher at a private school. I am also a part-time paid writer (umm…I write a blog). I am a part-time business woman. And I am a full-time home-school Mom living on a lovely farm! Truly…all of my dreams are wrapped up in one doable package and I am crazily, ridiculously HAPPY about it!  It all started, though, by saying “Hush, Brain!”

I dare you to do the same. 🙂

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