I just read a fabulous article about a 17-year-old girl, Arina Shestopolov Censor, who saved a man’s life when missiles fell near her home at Beer-Sheva, Isreal,  on August 20. Arina and her father heard the cries of Lior George and rushed from their building to see if they could help. Lying between them and…

I dropped by a friend’s house the other day and my senses were bombarded with the excitement radiating through her house. In her living room she had a stage area set up with six or seven instruments just waiting for a jam session. Her bright and glorious artwork–which she painted herself–covered the walls. She was…

Every year my family waits with great anticipation for the county fair….and the cake walk. The fair is similar to small-town fairs everywhere, I suppose. The barns are full of livestock; 4H competitors lead animals from pens to arenas and back again. One large building, though, is lined with booths representing the many community non-profits,…

I just finished reading an article about a program in Alabama, funded by grants, where prison inmates receive classes in art and literature. It’s called “The Alabama Prison Arts + Education Project (APAEP)” and, although inmates are not receiving college credits nor job training by taking these courses, they are better using their time than…

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