Yesterday I shared the story “Tithing Upside Down.” I was inspired to give $250 (that would be the 10% tithe) and that evening I received $2000 and an iPad. 🙂 That was just one of many wild-and-crazy little miracles we have experienced since my husband died unexpectedly 25 days ago. These magical moments show me that we’re all connected and when one person shows love it affects another…and another…and another. It amazes me again and again and I want to amaze you, too!

My youngest child hasn’t talked much about her Daddy dying. She is a private, thinking type and she doesn’t cry easily. We did have one conversation right after Joe died, though, which went like this:

“Mommy, who will chop our firewood now that Daddy can’t?”

“Honey, Daddy spent that last weekend of his life getting us ready for winter. There is firewood all stacked on the porch ready to be used. He even cleaned out the chimney.”

“But what about when that firewood is gone?”

“I don’t know. But I do know God will provide.”

The last thing I cared about was firewood, but it broke my heart that my little girl was worried about it. I didn’t tell a soul what she had said, but her words gnawed on my heart.

The next day my friend Shelley called. “Kirsten, the husband wants to know if you need firewood? Our friends have some and the guys said they could deliver it if you need it.” Two men, three teens and a trailer full of beautifully split logs showed up in my driveway.

And Lydia saw that God does indeed take care of us….

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