Embattled Falcons quarterback Michael Vick said in a radio interview on WVEE-FM Monday that he was remorseful for the negativity his situation has brought to Atlanta and team owner Arthur Blank and that he is hopeful, but not certain, that he’ll play for the Falcons again.
Vick, calling from Virginia, also expressed gratitude to the number of fans who have stuck by him following his federal indictment on dogfighting charges. The interview was Vick’s first since charges were filed on July 17.
“Hopefully I’ll see y’all again,” Vick said in a taped interview with host Porsche Foxx, who said that she was advised by Vick’s legal team not to ask questions about his case. “It remains to be seen, but that’s what I’m working on.
“I just want to thank all my fans and all my support and all the people that are praying for Mike Vick and are in my corner right now. It’s a crisis situation for me, but I’m going to get through it and I feel, by the grace of God, that’s the only way. I believe in the outcome at the end, and that’s why I put my faith in the man upstairs. It pains me not to be down there right now, because I know so many people want to see me and I want to be there.”
As for his future with the Falcons, Vick said, “Hopefully, under the right circumstances, I think it can work. I know I put the city through a lot, my owner, Arthur Blank, who I love sincerely; I put him through a lot. It hurts me to put him through this situation.
“A lot of things would have to be worked out for him to put his faith and trust back in me. But if I had the opportunity, if it wouldn’t be a problem, I’d like to come back, under the right circumstances.”
The NFL has told Vick, whose trial is scheduled for Nov. 26, to stay away from the Falcons until the league completes an investigation to determine whether he violated its player conduct policy. Blank said last week that the team had planned to suspend Vick for four games, the maximum number a team could suspend a player for conduct, until the NFL stepped in.
Vick and three other defendants pleaded not guilty to interstate conspiracy dogfighting charges last Thursday in a federal court in Richmond. One of those defendants, Tony Taylor, reversed his plea Monday and plans to cooperate with the prosecution in hopes of reducing his sentence, which could be for up to five years in prison.
“I’ve learned a lot through this situation,” Vick said. “I know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.”
Copyright 2007 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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