Demonstrators from London’s “Muslims Against Crusades,” whose website shows a graphic of a plane heading towards New York’s World Trade Center, say they “will make as much noise as possible during the planned mark of respect for the dead.” Their disruption at the U.S. Embassy of London’s observation of the September 11 attacks is, they say, “to show that…

By ERIN ALBANESE Religion News Service GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The old Lorilee Craker would have picked up a couple of $16 children’s shirts without a second thought, ordered a $20 pizza without checking what’s in the fridge, and sent out her bills a few days late. The Amish-makeover Lorilee peruses garage sales and finds…

Assassinations and abductions are increasingly a part of Pakistan politics as the Islamic republic descends into anarchy. Instead of public debate, politicians who take controversial positions are murdered and their killers treated like heroes. Punjab’s governor and presidential hopeful, Salman Taseer, and the federal minister for minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, have been gunned down. Both had come out in…

The Village Voice has obtained an audiotape secretly recorded in December 2009 at a meeting between Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis and a man named Shane Clark — which has Davis threatening to declare Clark a shunned “suppressive person.” As such, no one in the Church of Scientology would be allowed to have any contact with…

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