Therapy can assist a homosexual who wants to be heterosexual, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Psychologists Stanton L. Jones of Wheaton College and Mark A. Yarhouse of Regent University are the authors of the longitudinal study. It tracked individuals who were seeking to change their sexual orientation — and documents their…

CLICK HERE to find out more about “Chrislam”! If there’s any hope for America, radio talk show host Dr. Laurie Roth is having trouble seeing it. “Everywhere we look today politicians, media and global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of religion, sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for,” she writes on the news site…

CLICK HERE to find out more about “Chrislam”! If there’s any hope for America, radio talk show host Dr. Laurie Roth is having trouble seeing it. “Everywhere we look today politicians, media and global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of religion, sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for,” she writes on the news site…

GOP presidential front-runner Herman Cain says that if elected, he’ll update the traditional presidential entrance music, “Hail to the Chief.” Why? The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO, who released his own Gospel music album in 1996, said it needs an update. Maybe with a Gospel beat. “It’s traditional, and that’s all well and good,” the candidate told Fox News…

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