We all hope that if we are in trouble someone will hear our cries and jump in.

One woman was heard one night after her Bible group met.

Imagine walking home after a little fellowship and studying the Bible. Your heart feels content. Your soul feels nourished. But one woman experienced a panic as she narrowly escaped being kidnapped.

According to Fox News, a 21-year-old woman was leaving the Bible study on the east side of Cleveland when she was attacked by a couple of men wearing ski masks, black coats and blue jeans as she tried to get into her vehicle.

The two males tried forcing her into the backseat.

“Get in the car,” they demanded.

She was able to pull away and run back to the house where the Bible study was. But one man grabbed the hood of her coat and pulled her back towards him.

He then dragged her from the driveway and across the street. The victim kicked and screamed to alert neighbors as she scraped the pavement. This is when her Bible study friends came outside to her rescue. The men were scared off and ran through backyards to escape, leaving only footprints in the snow.

Customers from a local tavern heard the noise and came out to assist the woman’s friends.

“It could have happened to anybody and it’s unfortunate that it happened to somebody I know, and somebody who was just coming here to go to a Bible study at the church,” Sam Hartman told Fox.

The neighborhood is shaken from the event.

“It’s a nice area, but it’s frightening to have things happen like that — the Shaker Square bank hold up two weeks ago; they are kind of black marks on what should be a nice neighborhood,” said another neighbor.

Investigators hope to find evidence of who the two perpetrators were by obtaining surveillance video.

What if people didn’t step in? The news could have been bleaker.

You know the Golden Rule or law of reciprocity? It is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated. This rule is also associated with what Jesus taught us in Matthew 7:12:  “Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.”

This is something to recognize when we see someone in need.


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