A majority of millennials, though generation Xers and generation Z play a part as well, have been leaving the traditional organized religions in favor of more spiritual practices. They are connecting with tarot cards, astrology, meditation, crystals and the like. Many of them only dabble in the off-brand practices and don’t take it too seriously…

Donald Trump’s North Carolina rally has been making headlines after a controversial “send her back” chant came from the crowd. However there are some new headlines emerging from the rally: Christians are upset Trump used the Lord’s name in vain. Not only once, but twice. This upset Senator Paul Hardesty of West Virginia’s seventh district…

After a long court battle, city officials took down a church’s iconic “Jesus Welcomes You to Hawkins” sign overnight. The city spent four years in court but ultimately won, citing that the sign was on public land and was in the way of future development. The church, however, is not done fighting just yet. “The…

Christian doctor Richard Scott, a general practitioner at the Bethesda Medical Center in England, is at risk of losing his medical license for incorporating his faith into his practice. Scott is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council and the National Health Service, after an acquaintance of a patient complained to the National Secular…

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