Much like her late grandfather Rev. Billy Graham, Jerushah Duford is a devout evangelical Christian. She says, though, that her faith is pulling her to vote for Joe Biden, the Democratic party nominee.

Unlike the majority of evangelicals who are choosing to cast their vote for Donald Trump, Jerushah says that her core Christian teachings tell her that Biden is the right choice. She made an official endorsement for Biden on the “Evangelicals For Biden” organization’s blog.

“I chose to listen to my spirit to speak out. Not because doing so feels comfortable, but because it feels like the right way to leverage the voice God has empowered me with. Now I am asking all of you who feel as I do, to embrace your inner tug, and allow it to lead you to use the power of your God-given voice and not allow Trump to lead this country for another four years,” the post writes.

The organization also reported that in recent polling, more evangelicals and everyday Christians are moving towards supporting Biden. Susan Johnson Cook, a former US ambassador for religious freedom; Michael Kinnamon, former general secretary of the National Council of Churches; and Gene Robinson, a former bishop in the Episcopal church are just some of the Christians sharing their endorsement for the Democratic party.

Executive Director of Vote Common Good, Doug Pagitt, explained the swelling Evangelical support with, “This record-breaking group of endorsers shows that President Trump’s lack of kindness and decency is energizing faith communities and will cost him this election.”

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