Horrifying videos of the Astroworld tragedies that left eight dead and dozens injured flooded TikTok through the weekend, fueling the fire that the event was a ‘blood sacrifice.’ Many users were quick to say that the demonic set had an eerie inverted cross, burning doves, and a flaming skull sculpture opened a “portal to hell.” The rapper had reportedly started the concert by telling the crowd, “I’ll see you on the other side,” which many believe was a forewarning for the disaster ahead.

On TikTok, one comment read: “The music industry is demonic and collects souls” gathered over 34,000 likes which continued adding fuel to the fire that the horrible event was a satanic ritual. One concertgoer reported being surrounded by “demonic energy” as she tried to breathe and watched in horror as people were bleeding from their noses and mouths.

Rapper Travis Scott, who has a history of inciting chaos in previous years, uses a demonic aesthetic and occult symbolism for his festivals. The festival, which was held in Houston, Texas, quickly got out of hand when concertgoers started pushing forward to get closer to the stage. The crowd became a ‘whirlpool’ of horror as bodies were getting crushed to death. Event officials found themselves quickly understaffed and underprepared for the disaster.

Bodies dropped quickly to the ground while Scott continued to sing and dance on stage, who later claimed he did not know about what was happening. However, many videos have gotten released that show people screaming on stage for the rapper to stop the show because “people are dead.”

Some of the claims include Scott and Drake, who also performed at the festival, “were born 66 months six days apart,” which refers to “666” or more commonly known as the number of the beast in the Bible. Users continue to justify their theories by tying in the Illuminati and the belief that a “shadowy group of people” controls Hollywood. Scotts Illuminati connections are thought to be through the Kardashian family with which Scott shares children with Kylie Jenner.

Even the shirt Scott chose to wear for the performance indicated a demonic transition as it showed blue people walking through a door and coming out red with horns. Instagram users took to the matter stating “ritual sacrifices right in front of our eyes front and center.” Many other users chimed in, pointing out what they thought looked like demonic possession with Scott as he could hear people begging for help but continued with his autotuned performance while looking into the crowd with glossed eyes.

Scott has pledged to pay for the victims’ funerals, but the trauma for all involved is beyond repair. The rapper alongside the venue has been slapped with 68 lawsuits thus far, with attorneys expecting the number to soar in the next few weeks.

There are still many others in the hospital in serious condition, including nine-year-old Ezra Blout, who is currently in a medically induced coma. Ezra’s family says he is “fighting for his life” at Houston’s Texas Children’s Hospital. Ezra attended the concert with his father for a bonding experience. The child was on his father’s shoulders but fell quickly into the crowd after his father lost consciousness due to all the pressure from the group swarming. The family is devastated and continues to pray for his recovery.

Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the eight victims who lost their lives during the festival.

  • John Hilgert, 14-years-old, was a baseball player at Memorial High School.
  • Franco Patino, was a student at the University of Dayton, died alongside his friend Jake Jurinek.
  • Jake Jurinek, 20-years-old, was a student at Southern Illinois University studying journalism.
  • Brianna Rodriguez, 16-years-old, was a high school junior that loved to dance.
  • Axel Acosta, 21-years-old, was a student at Western Washington University studying computer science, it was his first concert attendance.
  • Rudy Peña, 23-years-old, was an aspiring border patrol officer.
  • Danish Baig, 27-years-old, died shielding his fiance from the crowd.
  • Madison Dubiski, 23-years-old, was a graduate of the University of Mississippi and worked in advertising and marketing.
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