Radio host Howard Stern called out Oprah Winfrey for flaunting her wealth on social media. During a recent edition of The Howard Stern Show, the SiriusXM host discussed seeing Winfrey’s Instagram account over the holiday weekend and expressed shock at some of the extravagant images Winfrey posts to the platform.
“Oprah’s not embarrassed by her wealth at all,” Stern began. “She loves showing it off on Instagram. It’s [expletive] mind-blowing you when you follow her on Instagram, you see her estates, her gardens, the people who service her, and you know–” Co-host Robin Quivers joked, “Service her? She’s not a car.”
Stern replied, “Well, she kind of is. She’s got servants and like — people cooking, and it’s [expletive] wild. She knows how to be rich, but she doesn’t; she kind of likes to show it off, which is something I’m not comfortable with. I don’t think that people should show off their wealth.”
Quivers had a different perspective on the matter. “Let’s put it this way, Oprah’s just showing you her life. She’s not showing off,” she said. Stern replied, “Well, you gotta be a little self-aware and know that there are people struggling out there, Robin. You got to. You gotta kind of think about people who don’t have — to eat. You know what I’m saying? I mean, come on. You gotta be a little bit aware of this [expletive].”
“Well, if you don’t show your wealth, are they getting fed?” Quivers pushed back. “No, they are not,” Stern said. “But you know, look, I mean, I make a good living, and I’m having trouble watching Oprah. I go, wow. She’s got, she’s got — wow. Look what’s going on over there? Her estate is unbelievable. So like, when she goes shopping, she goes shopping in her backyard cause everything is growing back there. Like, there’s a farm back there.”
Stern turned the discussion to Winfrey inviting students from her South African school, The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls, to her home each year for the Thanksgiving Holiday, which she shared on Instagram. “Every Thanksgiving, she welcomes the African gals at her — at her boarding school in Africa for like girls, I guess, whose parents abandon them. And she takes them in, and they call her like ‘Mama’ or with something like, ‘Mommy.’ And all the African women come up to her estate, and they start singing,” Stern said as he began to sing the opening notes to Circle of Life from The Lion King.
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Quivers asked, “Lion King?” Stern said, “Yeah. Like, it’s unbelievable. And Oprah comes out in a white — like a jumpsuit, but oh my God — She looks [expletive] excellent.” Stern would praise Winfrey’s charity work, saying, “If I was those African girls, I’d refuse to leave that place. I’d be like, ‘Honey, now I’m here. I’m staying; I’m not going back to that boarding school,'” Stern said.
Stern concluded, “And the girls, they are so sweet. They — I think they believe Oprah’s God because, let me tell you, she provides, she gives them an education. She gives them meals, don’t ask. They love her. And it, it’s impressive. I gotta be honest. I mean, you know, it’s real charity work,” Stern concluded.