@sfsisters / Instagram

A San Francisco-based drag group decided to celebrate Easter this year with a “Hunky Jesus” and “Foxy Mary” costume contest. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are known for their “queer nuns” that sparked outrage at a drag night hosted by the LA Dodgers last year. The contest took place at Dolores Park and promoted a search for “playful, lewd reinterpretations of Jesus and Mary.” Reports of the event called it mainly “sacrilegious” and described a number of lewd acts, including people wandering about completely naked. Thousands of revelers partook in the event, with Easter coinciding this year with “Transgender Day of Visibility.” State Senator Scott Wiener excited the crowd, saying, “Let’s hear it for triggering the right-wing extremists.” 

Several different sacrilegious Kens took the stage, including Trailer Trash Jesus, adorned with a crown of cigarettes rather than thorns and robe filled with beer cans and a break-dancing “Breaking Jesus.” The winning “Hunky Jesus” was “Ken Jesus,” who appeared crucified inside of a large pink Ken box. The back of the box included a vulgar poem about Ken Jesus’s abilities. Of the Marys, there was “Miscarriage Mary,” who was “rewriting history so that Jesus never existed,” and “Immaculate Confection Mary,” who wore cupcakes pinned to his chest. The winner of the Marys was “P—a Mary,” who was declared “our lady of the whores.” The winner was a former sex worker who spoke out for legalizing sex work and bringing about a ceasefire in Gaza. A group of men dressed as Playboy bunnies danced on stage with a sign that read, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” 

post by Fox News about the event was met with criticism by Christians, with one user commenting, “They mock Jesus and His resurrection, but the day will come when they will be bowing at His feet being judged, and they will see how very real & not the joke they are making Him out to be when He’s passing judgement on them for them sinful sick perversion’s and casting them into the Lake of fire with the beast forever.” Another asked, “What do you think, San Francisco is Sodom or is it Gomorrah? God is coming!” Weiner defended his participation in the event, releasing a statement that said critics “hate trans people and want to impose their values on everyone else.” “[Transgender Day of Visibility] is March 31 every year; Easter is not. Two things can happen on the same day. That’s how life works,” he wrote. He said people who were offended that the event was celebrated on Easter need to “chill out and get a life.” Weiner’s comments were challenged by other users, who asked if there would be a similar event for Muhammed during Ramadan. 

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