Gage Skidmore / Flickr | Inset: Evan El-Amin /

Paula White-Cain, president of Paula White Ministries and lead pastor of City of Destiny Church in Florida spoke at the recent Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference at the Washington Hilton to share her experiences as one of former president Donald Trump’s spiritual advisors. Speaking to a group at the conference, she discussed how her decades-long relationship with Trump began long before he considered running for president. She shared that Trump had complimented her on her sermons. “At the end of it, he said, ‘You have the it factor.’ And I said, ‘Oh sir, we call that the anointing.’ At that point, I really felt that the Lord said, ‘show him who I am.’ So for 24 years, I’ve been in his life and have had the great privilege of really being his pastor,” she told the crowd.

By 2011, Trump was contacting White-Cain to share his concerns about the country and that he was considering running for president. After he asked her what God thought, White-Cain and several others turned to prayer. Afterwards, she gave him a response. “I said, ‘Sir … you’re going to be president one day.’” Yet she knew at the time that his path to the presidency would be difficult. “And a tear ran down my eye and I told him, ‘I hate the price that you’re going to pay.’ Little would any of us have imagined the price this man, his family and many of you – many of us – have paid,” she said.

White-Cain has stood alongside Trump ever since, having led his Evangelical advisory board during his 2016 presidency. She also continues to support him after being convicted on 34 charges of falsification of business records, turning her ire instead against the Biden administration and what she perceives as its attack on Christianity. She pointed to the arrest of pro-life activist Mark Houck in 2021 after he allegedly pushed an abortion clinic escort who was harassing his 12-year-old son while the two were protesting abortion. He has since been acquitted of all charges, but White-Cain insisted it was a sign of impending danger for Christians. She warned her audience against allowing the Biden administration to maintain the presidency. “Something is wrong and we have to stop it and this November we will absolutely make our voice heard. Devil, we’ve had enough…” she said, “this is an ideology that is against God, against our faith, and against our rights.”

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