If you think politics is crazy as a spectator sport, try to imagine for just a minute what it would be like to actively participate in politics as an elected official. Most of us would say “no thanks,” but thankfully, there are ordinary Americans like you and me who do choose to serve by stepping into the fray.

If we want these “ordinary Americans” to stay, well, ordinary, and to be rooted and grounded, then it’s important that we pray actively for our elected officials. The pressures of navigating complex political landscapes, making crucial decisions and addressing the needs of their communities can be overwhelming. As they juggle these responsibilities, the role of faith and prayer becomes increasingly important.

As Christians, we have the opportunity—and obligation—to pray for elected officials. First Timothy 2:1-2 says, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” Their success directly impacts our livelihood and the peace of our communities.

Here are the top 10 ways to pray for elected officials—according to elected officials themselves.

1. Clarity and Focus (Psalm 57:7 – 8)

Pray that elected officials can rise above the clamor and angst of politics to focus on God every day. The political arena is often fraught with conflict and distractions. A consistent focus on God can provide clarity and peace, helping leaders navigate their duties with a clear mind and a steadfast heart.

2. Protection For Family (Psalm 68: 6 – 7)

Pray for the families of elected officials, as they are often apart while their family member serves. Separation can be difficult, and family support is vital for the officials to perform their duties effectively.

3. Wise Words (Proverbs 15:1 – 2)

Pray that elected officials would have a soft word to turn away anger when emotions are high. Political debates can become heated, and a gentle, wise response can defuse tension and promote constructive dialogue.

4. Be Light (Matthew 5: 14 – 16)

Pray that Christian elected officials would be Jesus’s light in a dark profession. Politics can sometimes seem like a realm dominated by self-interest and moral compromise. Pray that Christian officials can stand out as beacons of integrity and compassion.

5. Wisdom (James 1:5)

Pray that God would give elected officials wisdom as they navigate complex issues. The decisions they make often have far-reaching consequences. Divine wisdom can guide them to make choices that are just and beneficial for all.

6. Love (John 13:34)

Pray that Christians in politics would have the opportunity to share the gospel. Their unique position allows them to influence many, and sharing their faith can have a profound impact on their colleagues and the public.

7. Salvation (Ephesians 1:17)

Pray for all elected officials in every political party that they would come to know Jesus. Regardless of political party, knowing Christ can transform their lives and the way they serve.

8. Perseverance (Matthew 11:28 – 30)

Pray that elected officials would stay encouraged as their schedules are hectic and they desire to stay active in their local communities and churches. The demanding nature of their work can lead to burnout, but encouragement and support can help counteract it.

9. Boldness (Proverbs 28:1)

Pray that the Lord would give elected officials courage and boldness to stand up for their beliefs on behalf of their constituents. It can be challenging to uphold one’s convictions in the face of opposition.

10. Hope (Romans 5: 3 – 5)

Pray that elected officials would have hope, even when they feel like they are only taking a small step. Political progress can be slow and frustrating. A sense of hope can sustain them through incremental changes and setbacks.

As election season intensifies, so does our responsibility to support our elected officials through prayer. By doing so, we not only obey the biblical command but also contribute to their ability to lead effectively and righteously. In these turbulent times, prayer is a powerful tool to make a difference.

Guest post by Lindsey Swindle. Lindsey is the Director of Government & Policy Affairs at Christian Care Ministry, the association of churches that manages Medi-Share. Project K.E.E.P. is the non-partisan Medi-Share initiative encouraging Christians to actively and specifically pray for elected officials.

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