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Christian media giant Daystar TV, which is owned by the Word of God Fellowship and features programs like “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley,” and “Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer,” is facing fallout after an explosive expose accused the company’s leadership of covering up the sexual abuse of a child. The report initially came from The Roys Report, headed by Christian investigative journalist, Julie Roys. It detailed the disturbing allegations involving the Lamb family, which runs Daystar TV.

According to the allegations, the trouble came to a head in August 2021 when Jonathan Lamb, was told by his wife Suzy that a male relative, referred to as “Pete,” had followed their 5-year-old daughter upstairs while she was going to change in a swimsuit. Something about Pete’s eyes frightened Suzy, who stated they were “like in a zombie mode.” The family was attending their annual executive retreat in Miramar Beach provided by Daystar. Jonathan rushed upstairs to find Pete in the room with his daughter completely naked. “And I was just immediately like, ‘What are you doing?’—screaming at the top of my lungs. And (he) is like, ‘I-I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.’ He apologized like 50 times, like I caught somebody red-handed,” Jonathan told Roys.

Eight months previous to the incident, their daughter had informed them that someone had molested her, but did not give a name of the perpetrator. Pete would come on their radar after warnings from family members that they had seen him kissing and hugging the little girl. The couple spoke with Jonathan’s mother, Joni Lamb, who now runs Daystar after Marcus died November 2021 from complication of COVID, but she asked to speak to her granddaughter alone rather than contact the police. After speaking to Joni, the little girl completely stopped talking about the incident. Jonathan and Suzy, however, decided to call the police without telling their family. That case was initially closed when the child wouldn’t speak any further, although it has since been reopened. After the incident in August, Jonathan and Suzy allegedly tried to speak with Marcus and Suzy about Pete, but they declared Pete innocent. Suzy would allegedly declare she had a dream that told her Pete was innocent.

After Marcus’s death, Joni took over Daystar as president, with Jonathan serving as Vice President. He alleges he was demoted from that position in April after he wouldn’t sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) regarding the August incident. He was then fired from the network completely in November for “the deficiencies in your judgment and performance.” Suzy was also fired from her spot as co-host on “The Green Room” in July 2023. The couple alleges that the family changed the company’s succession plan, removing Jonathan as his father’s successor as president and replacing him with Joni. They believe the change is in retaliation for their accusations.

Both Pete and Daystar have completely denied all allegations, with Daystar demanding a retraction from Roys. Roys, however, has refused to retract the allegations. “Both TRR and our attorney, Christine N. Jones, who also serves on TRR’s board, have examined Daystar’s demand letter. As documented in Jones’ response letter, Daystar failed to show that any of TRR’s reporting was inaccurate. As a result, TRR will not submit to Daystar’s demand for retractions,” the publication announced.

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