@revmahoney / X | Inset: Adobe Stock

Christians are celebrating the historic first-ever Nativity scene being displayed on the steps of the US Capitol. The display was years in the making, after Reverend Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, DC, faced threats of arrest when he attempted to display a Nativity scene at the US Capitol Christmas Tree and read from the Biblical account of the Christmas story. In 2021, Mahoney was arrested for holding a prayer vigil on the Capitol steps. Mahoney eventually filed a lawsuit in 2022 against the Capitol’s prohibitions of public displays. In his argument, Mahoney stated, “The ‘People’s House,’ as the US Capitol Building is so rightly called, must be a place where all Americans are afforded the right to come and peacefully celebrate and express their First Amendment rights. Tragically, those rights and freedoms are being denied and prohibited.”

In May 2024, the US District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in Mahoney’s favor, declaring the US Capitol steps to be a public forum where such public displays could not be prohibited. Mahoney celebrated the victory on December 10, when he displayed a Nativity scene on the Capitol steps, complete with Christmas carols and a Bible reading. Mahoney shared the display on X, writing, “7 months ago, we would have been arrested for singing Christmas carols and displaying a nativity on the steps of the US Capitol. After our historic federal court victory, here we are today celebrating the beautiful Christmas story at the Capitol!”

In a statement, Mahoney said he was “thankful” for the opportunity. “We are so very thankful for the opportunity to share the joyful and powerful message of Christmas at the steps of the United States Capitol. In a hurting and wounded world, there is no more redemptive and healing message than the Christmas story,” he said. “The hopeful declaration of ‘Peace on earth, goodwill toward man,’ is one that needs to be heard and embraced by all Americans.” He also added that, “This event has ended and won the war on Christmas in the public square. For if Christmas can be celebrated and displayed in the most powerful public square in America, it can be celebrated publicly everywhere.” Christians are hopeful that the ruling will permit more public religious displays such as the Good Friday service Mahoney had previously tried to hold on the Capitol steps. It does, however, possibly open up the steps to be used by other religious groups such as The Satanic Temple, which has effectively used the First Amendment to set up displays on public grounds, such as a New Hampshire display in Concord that was constructed near a Nativity scene. That display was quickly demolished. No suspect has been currently charged.

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