Christopher Halloran/

Evangelicals for Trump are mobilizing to encourage Christians to elect the president for a second term.

In the name of religious freedom, Evangelicals for Trump are coming together to get the president elected, “ensuring that pro-life initiatives, religious freedom, and the appointment of conservative judges are kept as a top priority for more years.”

At a recent event, “Evangelicals for Trump – Praise, Prayer, and Patriotism,” the group praised the president for his support of conservative values. They also warned of the Democratic Party’s anti-religious agenda, according to the Associated Press.

During the event, Dr. Richard Lee, founding pastor at First Redeemer Church in Atlanta, accused several governors and mayors of “bossing the churches around…to see what you will do in case [Biden] gets in office and they can come after you.”

Lee also called the current Democratic Party “an evil party” seized by “the spirit of the anti-Christ,” Christian Headlines reports.

He did point out that he does not see Democratic voters as evil but as “wonderful people” who have “been deceived.”

Paula White-Cain, one of Trump’s faith advisers, told his supporters that Joe Biden is “a trojan horse for a very radical left agenda that is behind him that wants to take down churches.”

According to the Pew Research Center survey in July, White evangelical approval of Trump has slipped, but 8 in 10 say they would still vote for him.

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