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A drag show in San Francisco scheduled to celebrate the end of Pride month was short one corporate sponsor this year. Google had previously promoted the event to its employees on its company calendar, leading hundreds of Christian employees and others to start a petition against the company’s sponsorship. Petitioners took issue with the main performer, who goes by the name “Peaches Christ 666.” “Their provocative and inflammatory artistry is considered a direct affront to the religious beliefs and sensitivities of Christians,” said the petition of the performers involved in the event. The event was then removed from the Google company calendar without any indication as to whether or not the petition was a factor. A Google spokesperson informed Fox News Digital that the company has long supported many Pride events, including other drag shows, but that “This particular event was booked by and shared within one team without going through our standard events process.”

Although the event was no longer being sponsored by Google, it was still open to the public, with several Google employees choosing to attend the event. “Peaches Christ 666,” whose real name is Joshua Grannell, addressed the controversy at the event, saying, “Folks who work at Google put this together, and we did this last year, and it was fabulous, and it was fun, and we had a good time. And this year, a group of Christians at Google signed a petition to take this event from their employees because they thought it was upsetting, offensive, controversial.” There were several booing Google for the decision. “This thing that happened with Google, unfortunately for this event, is actually indicative of a huge groundswell of hatred across the country using drag queens and trans people as scapegoats,” he later said. 

Grennell is also a “saint” under the Sisterhood of Perpetual Indulgence, the controversial drag group that was honored by the LA Dodgers during their Pride night. The move led to thousands of Christians and others leading a protest outside the stadium during their Pride night celebrations. Additionally, Bud Light was slammed by boycotts after the company announced Dylan Mulvaney, a biological man who identifies as a woman, would be the new Bud Light spokesperson. The backlash was so intense that Mulvaney now accuses the company of “ghosting” him after it abandoned its plans to add Mulvaney as a spokesperson due to plummeting sales. Target faced similar boycotts after several videos were released of Pride and “tucking” swimsuits being promoted in the children’s department. The company lost $10 billion in 10 days, leading the stores to quietly pull the products or move them into less obvious areas. 

The American Family Association (AFA) gives guidance for Christians on how to handle Pride Month, writing, “Pride Month wrongly assumes that all sexual desire is natural and therefore right, normative, and good (an idea associated with philosophers during the age of the Enlightenment). The Scriptures say otherwise.” The AFA goes on to offer the antidote: “Finally, we promote the truth that desires which arise from the sinful condition are not natural and therefore not good, and cannot be celebrated in good Christian conscience. Good Christian conscience compels us to renounce and forsake such desires because indulging in them further estranges us from our Maker in whom we find wholeness and real, lasting life. Ultimately, the antidote is the gospel.”

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