“We are now three years into a major recession. There are more people out of work right now than ever in our lifetime,” says California author and pastor Rick Warren. “There are more people underneath the poverty line than ever in America. More people are classified as legitimately poor than ever before. There are more people that own a home that is upside down, another words they owe more on it than its worth, than ever before.”

Rick Warren

But he says there’s hope, according to the website Eurweb.

The pastor of the 20,000-member Saddleback says that like most of the nation, his congregation reflects an 11 percent unemployment rate. This weekend, he told them the Bible is the best place to go for financial advice.

“The Bible is literally filled with advice on how to get out of debt, how to stay out of debt, how to prosper, how to have financial stability, and how to save and spend,” he said, according to Christian Post.

The California pastor counseled that worrying is unnecessary:

“God has promised to take care of you if you’ll trust him with the details of your life. As a child, if you asked your father for lunch money you never worried about where it would come from. That was his problem. Let God be God in your life! God will take care of you, just have faith.”

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