According to a new survey, U.S. residents who don’t have any religious affiliation are down for the first time in years. Recently published Pew Research says that Americans who are religiously unaffiliated, often referred to as “nones,” declined to 28 percent. Pew said of the findings, “The identical results we’ve found in three of the…

mark reinstein/Shutterstock.com
Eric Trump, former President Donald Trump’s second son, warned of an “all-out war on God” in the United States while appearing on Newsmax. Eric and his brother, Donald Jr., have been by their father’s side as he campaigns for a run at the White House for the third time. The former president is the GOP…

lev radin/Shutterstock.com
Former White House aide Steve Bannon disagreed with House Speaker Mike Johnson’s suggestion that President Biden’s election was “God’s will,” arguing that the country needs a House Speaker, not a “theologian.” During an episode of his podcast “The War Room,” Bannon played a clip of Johnson’s remarks, telling his listeners to “be prepared to have…

Shonna S Coleman/Facebook
A Mississippi mother’s social media post of a write-up her first grader received at school for saying “Jesus Christ” has earned thousands of comment, reactions, and shares. Shonna Coleman wrote on Facebook, “Please pray for the schools. My son got this from school for saying Jesus Christ.” The post included a picture of a “parent…

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