Discussion of the 2020 presidential election is already heating up. A host of Democratic senators, representatives, mayors and governors have all thrown their hats in the ring. The official nomination will likely not be decided until summer of 2020, but Democratic hopefuls are already working to earn the winning spot in the primaries. A few…

What percentage of people in the United States claim to have no religion? If you guessed the number is small but vocal, think again. According to the 2018 General Social Survey, a biennial project run by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, the religious “nones” are now every bit as numerous…

Pew Research Center recently released the results of a survey investigating the differences between how much various religious groups approved of Donald Trump’s presidency and how he has handled holding the highest office in the land. According to the survey, white evangelical Protestants continue to support him in overwhelming numbers. Protestants’ approval for the president’s…

Lent is here, and once again Christians around the world will dedicate themselves to removing a vice or bad habit from their lives for 40 days. Some states, however, are likely to have an easier time at this than others. A recent survey by WalletHub ranked the 50 states based on how well they tend…

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