Adobe Stock | Inset: Johnathon & Suzy Lamb / YouTube
Christian media giant Daystar TV, which is owned by the Word of God Fellowship and features programs like “In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley,” and “Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer,” is facing fallout after an explosive expose accused the company’s leadership of covering up the sexual abuse of a child. The report initially came…

RCP | Inset: Valley News Live
A North Dakota Target employee has been reinstated following a controversial termination over her decision to wear a nametag bearing the phrase “Trust in Jesus.” The incident, which took place at the Fargo location, has ignited a national conversation about workplace freedom of expression and the rights of employees to express their religious beliefs. Denise…

Phil Pasquini /
The high price of bread and eggs doomed her. Nope, it was raw racism and sexism. Well, maybe she should have gone on Joe Rogan’s show. If you’re looking for a reason why Vice President Kamala Harris lost to Donald Trump, there are plenty to choose from. Many of Harris’ reeling supporters are still trying to understand the forces behind…

Adobe Stock
Stone Ridge Christian from Merced, California, is making national news after its girls’ volleyball team forfeited a playoff game against a team with a trans player. The team was scheduled to play a California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) volleyball playoff game against San Francisco Waldorf School, which has a male student who identifies as a female…

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