Two large groups of the U.S. military’s chaplains say they will perform no same-sex weddings. “A coalition representing more than 2,000 Evangelical Christian military chaplains says its members will not perform homosexual ceremonies,” reports Jeremy Kryn of LifeSiteNews. “The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty announced October 5 that it is joining the Catholic Archdiocese for…

You’ve probably heard about the married Episcopal priests who converted to the Roman Catholic Church — and now are serving as non-celibate Catholic priests. So, what happens when a female member of the Anglican clergy turns Catholic? What do you call her? A church member. That’s Una Kroll’s title.  After a lifetime of spiritual searching,…

Facing a growing shortage of priests, the Roman Catholic Church is turning to former priests who left their callings to get married. While the “dispensed” priests won’t be allowed to take confessions or celebrate mass — they will be asked to serve as teachers and lay workers in such roles as helping serve communion to the…

“My Irish Catholic grandmother may turn in her grave,” writes Jill Duchess of Hamilton for the Catholic Herald.  “In the Diocese of Brisbane there are 142 active priests of whom 13 from Africa or India have arrived in the past five years. They joined dozens of other foreign priests: 14 from Poland and Vietnam and an unspecified…

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