While most people seem to take to Twitter to rage and complain these days, one nun has decided to react to “the crazy” in the world in a very different way. Rather than joining in the name-calling and open hatred that dominates the internet today, Sister Susan Francois has made it a point to tweet…

Pope Francis is at it again. The head of the Roman Catholic Church has suggested overturning centuries of tradition and allowing married men to become priests. This unexpected reform comes in response to a shortage of Catholic priests. Since 1965, there has been almost a 30 percent decrease in the number of priest in the…

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is finally complete. Construction of the massive church was finally completed on December 8, 2017, nearly a full century after building first began. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, also called the Trinity Dome, is now the largest Catholic Church in…

Worship service attendance is up in New York City, but down among young adult Jews, according to recent studies. On the other hand, fewer Spanish-speaking teens are attending Catholic mass, but more are showing up at Evangelical churches. A recent Barna study shows not only increased New York City church attendance, but growing numbers of…

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