The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is finally complete. Construction of the massive church was finally completed on December 8, 2017, nearly a full century after building first began. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, also called the Trinity Dome, is now the largest Catholic Church in…

Worship service attendance is up in New York City, but down among young adult Jews, according to recent studies. On the other hand, fewer Spanish-speaking teens are attending Catholic mass, but more are showing up at Evangelical churches. A recent Barna study shows not only increased New York City church attendance, but growing numbers of…

The headlines are alarming: “Catholic-Owned Company Wins Religious Freedom Court Decision,” “Death Toll Rises to 65 in Boko Haram Attack on Students,” “Little Sisters Catholic Charity Victimized By Obamacare,” “Christians Sought Out, Murdered in the Kenyan Mall Massacre,” “Judicial Watch Seeks Reason Why ‘So Help Me God’ Removed From U.S. Air Force Oath.” But the…

What’s wrong with church today? Are we in danger of turning worship into a flashy concert? Of watering down the message so nobody is offended? Of forgetting the simplicity of the Gospel? I grew up with a preacher’s kid. He was a fake following in the footsteps of his flimflamming father who did a great…

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