Can a bunch of San Diego college students pull off a thriller disaster film? Yes, says Robert Kirbyson, director of “Red Line,” which takes place entirely in a mangled subway car underneath the streets of Los Angeles.   Crewed almost entirely by student interns at a tiny Catholic school — John Paul the Great University…

Christmas has unique memories for international journalist Christiane Amanpour, the ABC News Global Affairs Anchor. As a small child, she remembers wonderful times, “my family with a Christmas tree and presents and a family gathering.” But her father was Muslim. Her mother was Catholic. They lived in Iran. Little Christiane grew up in a clash of worlds…

Do Americans have less faith in God? Or is their crisis of faith in the professional bureaucracies claiming to represent Him — particularly in the old, historic “mainline” denominations — the Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Disciples of Christ, Methodists and what remains of the Congregationalists?  The New York Times’ Ross Douthat a few days ago observed that the Episcopalians’…

Just a few days ago, a car loaded with explosives attempted to get access to the First Evangelical Church Winning All in Kaduna, Nigeria. However, the suicide bomber’s car with a military uniform folded on the back seat was turned away at a barricade. As he drove away, the massive bomb exploded outside a hotel opposite the…

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