Forest Level Baptist Church / Facebook
In the quiet community of Bedford, Virginia, tragedy struck late Monday night as a massive explosion rocked Forest Level Baptist Church, a historic building with a 151-year legacy of faith and service. The explosion caused severe structural damage, leaving a gaping hole in the first floor and shaking nearby homes as if an earthquake had…

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The Chinese government has continued its growing crackdown on Christians within the country. Elder Zhu Longfei was arrested on August 9, 2023 by Shunde police for “illegal business operations.” Longfei is an elder at Shengjia Church, a house church which means is does not recognized the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) authority over it through the…

Sinopitt / Wikimedia Commons
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released a report revealing an alarming amount of state control from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over Christian churches in the country. The report reveals that the CCP has removed numerous Chrisian symbols from churches such as crosses, images of Mary in Catholic churches, and…

Should we be worried that Iran is about to tip the entire world into World War III?  Are some folks reading far too much into all of today’s saber-rattling? Are they drawing wild conclusions from popular interpretations of Bible prophecy flying around the Internet? Or is history’s final battle just around the corner? Many Christians…

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