For 13 weeks, the Chinese government has blocked the 1,000 members of Beijing’s Shouwang Church from being able to meet for Sunday services. They are among an estimated 70 million to 150 million Chinese Christians who refuse to worship in the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Association, which bars children from attendance and whose government-paid pastors deliver…

    You probably heard that the Dalai Lama is holding a 11-day event promoting peace in Washington, D.C., and that he dropped by the White House Saturday for a chat with the President of the United States. But, what is the exiled Tibetan leader’s name? Nobody just refers to “the President of the United…

Shi Enhao, a leader in China’s growing underground church movement, disappeared last month — and it turns out he’s been in police custody, held on “suspicion of using superstition to undermine national law enforcement.” Shi is one of as many as 150 million Chinese Christians who refuse to join the Communist Party’s Three-Self Patriotic Movement…

“As many American Christians are aware,” writes former Time magazine Asia correspondent David Aikman, “China’s Christian house churches, those Christian communities who don’t want to be controlled by the Communist Party, have been under their savage repression in years from the authorities.  The most serious persecution has targeted the Shouwang church, the largest in Beijing.” The 1,000-member church…

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