@revmahoney / X | Inset: Adobe Stock
Christians are celebrating the historic first-ever Nativity scene being displayed on the steps of the US Capitol. The display was years in the making, after Reverend Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, DC, faced threats of arrest when he attempted to display a Nativity scene at the US Capitol Christmas Tree…

Adobe Stock
A pastor in England has come under fire for telling a group of elementary school children that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. The announcement reportedly left many students in tears and outraged their parents. The incident unfolded during a religious education lesson at St. Faith’s Church in Portsmouth, where the Rev. Paul Chamberlain told a class…

@realmrsclaus / TikTok
As the film adaptation of Broadway’s immensely popular “Wicked” continues to rise in the box office, New York’s iconic 59th St Bloomingdale’s decided to get into the action by having its Santaland Oz-themed. The theme includes pink trees and lollipops over candy canes and, of course, a yellow brick road. Santa, too, has gotten into…

Christina Desitriviantie / Shutterstock.com
Christians in the Indonesian village of Caile, Ujungbulu District had their Sunday evening Christmas choir rehearsals stopped by a neighborhood association leader who said the choir needed permission from community leaders to practice. “It’s important that the choir practice should be reported to the local government,” the association head, Andi “Aples” Arman, told members of…

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