Everett Collection/Shutterstock.com
In what’s been nothing short of a fall from faith, rapper Kanye West, who once publicized an epic salvation story, has announced plans to start a pornography studio. Brittni De La Mora, a former porn star who has found freedom in Jesus, emphatically urged West in an episode of CBN’s “Faith vs. Culture.” She said,…

The pink moon is often alluded to in the Bible and secular beliefs as a symbol of change and renewal. In many cultures, the pink moon is a sign or symbol of the arrival of spring. It is the season when pink flowers begin to bloom. The full moon in April is called the “pink moon.”…

Adobe Stock | Inset: AZFamily _ Arizona News / YouTube
An Arizona church is suing the City of San Luis and charging officials with allegedly stopping its charitable food distribution to families and people in need. Conservative legal firm First Liberty Institute and law firm Snell and Wilmer L.L.P. filed for the District of Arizona on behalf of Gethsemani Baptist Church. Jeremy Dys, senior counsel…

Cynthia Portaro was on her way to face her son’s killer at a courthouse when she made a decision that would shock everyone. The Las Vegas mother recalled to Fox News Digital, “It was the morning of the sentencing. I just heard the voice of God telling me to forgive him. I didn’t know how…

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