In an unexpected move, the Turkish government is releasing hundreds of properties seized 75 years ago from Jews as well as Christians in Turkey’s Greek, Armenian and Syriac communities. “The times when citizens in our country were oppressed for their beliefs, their ethnic heritage, or the way they dressed —  is over,” proclaimed Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip…

Incidents of abduction of Hindus and Sikhs girls, for forced conversion and marriages to Muslims, as well as for ransom have increased, a Pakistani official told the Times of India newspaper. Pakistani parliament member Dr. Haresh Chopra of the Pakistan Muslim League was in India seeking Indian parliamentarians who would take up the issue of plight of…

There’s confusion this year about Eid-ul-Fitr, the day Muslims break their month-long Ramadan fast. “Some Muslims in North America, Europe and the Middle East say the holy day falls Tuesday,” reports Tom Wright for the Wall Street Journal. “Others, including those in India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia, are likely to hold out until Wednesday. The reason, explains Wright, “is…

Sunbathing in Alexandria may soon be a thing of the past, at least if some Egyptian Islamist politicians have their way. “Egypt’s tourism industry has suffered a severe blow since the outburst of anti-regime demonstrations in January,” reports journalist David E. Miller. Hardliners are demanding that women on Egypt’s beaches wear the “burkini” — which…

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