In Stratford, England, non-Muslim residents say they are feeling “threatened and intimidated” as posters declaring neighborhood under Islamic shariah law are showing up on walls and lampposts. The bright yellow signs read “Shariah Controlled Zone” with “Islamic rules enforced” in smaller text — and are showing up all across England. The British newspaper the Telegraph reports: In the past…

“As the White House and Congress debate cuts in federal spending, millions of dollars are being funneled overseas to help build many Islamic mosques and structures,” alleges TV star Chuck Norris. He says a USAID official confirmed about $2.3 million was used on a Cairo mosque “to help lower the groundwater at the mosque area, replacing…

Valley Park Middle School in Toronto, already under fire for allowing Muslim students to use the cafeteria for Friday prayers, is following Islamic shari’a by having girls on their period sit on their in the back of the room, not partaking in the prayer. “A school should be a safe space for all children,” objects the website “Not…

Chrislam, the popular acceptance of Islam by Christian, is “the spirit of the anti-Christ,” writes the Christian Post‘s David Dollins: “I want to address what is beginning to occur in the Church and why it must be rejected outright,” he writes. “It’s becoming increasingly ‘in vogue’ to accept Islam in the Church. “Consider a June…

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