New accusations that mega-church pastor Rick Warren is promoting a new world religion that will usher in the Antichrist– are raging again, despite Warren’s adamant and frustrated denials. Fanning the flames on the Internet this time are none other than The New American magazine, the official publication of the right-of-center John Birch Society and conservative columnist…

Irritated over an episode of the already controversial TLC cable TV reality program “All-American Muslim,” the animal advocacy group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is demanding equal time for canines. At issue is Islamic — or perhaps Arab — attitudes about dogs.  In a recent episode, newlywed Arab-American Shadia McDermott tells her new husband…

Yes, he’s read the reports that a Muslim cleric announced women should not touch cucumbers, carrots or bananas lest they become sexually impure, admits Egyptian newspaper editor Muna Khan in the Cairo daily al-Arabiya. And Khan says he is just shaking his head in disbelief. “Sometimes a cleric has to issue an edict for the…

Fearing that the 1,500-year-old roof of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity could collapse at any time, the Palestinian Authority is looking into how to repair the wooden and leaking top of the basilica built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian around 6oo A.D. “After centuries of neglect, the ancient and dilapidated roof of Bethlehem’s Church of…

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