“Here we go again: an Iranian Pastor, Youcef Nadarkhani, faces execution if he does not recant his conversion to Christianity,” writes Beliefnet’s Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa. “Last year, Mr. Nadarkhani was found guilty of “apostasy” last year, which was upheld by the Iranian Supreme Court. Now, if he does not recant, he could be executed.…

Islam’s most populous nation, Indonesia, is the most diverse nation imaginable — a far-flung archipelego of 13,466 islands where 238 million people speaking 742 languages live in everything from luxurious skyscraper penthouses to squalid cardboard slums, mountainside-hugging bamboo huts and rain-forest tree houses. The government only recognizes six religions. Census figures show the population is overwhelmingly Muslim at 86.1 percent…

CLICK HERE to find out more about “Chrislam”! If there’s any hope for America, radio talk show host Dr. Laurie Roth is having trouble seeing it. “Everywhere we look today politicians, media and global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of religion, sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for,” she writes on the news site…

CLICK HERE to find out more about “Chrislam”! If there’s any hope for America, radio talk show host Dr. Laurie Roth is having trouble seeing it. “Everywhere we look today politicians, media and global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of religion, sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for,” she writes on the news site…

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