Is there an unwritten religious litmus test for the U.S. presidency? Do voters require candidates to be “not just religious, but acceptably religious”? Yes, say Northwest Nazarene University professors Steve Shaw and Darrin Grinder. If they are right, will Mitt Romney’s Mormonism doom his bid for the presidency? After all, Catholicism was blamed for New…

Should we be worried that Iran is about to tip the entire world into World War III?  Are some folks reading far too much into all of today’s saber-rattling? Are they drawing wild conclusions from popular interpretations of Bible prophecy flying around the Internet? Or is history’s final battle just around the corner? Many Christians…

Has President Barack Obama quietly given himself dictatorial powers over the weekend — new authority to nationalize much of the country’s national resources? To draft citizens into a non-military corps? That’s the buzz – particularly on Twitter over an Executive Order that Obama signed Friday afternoon. “NYTFury” tweeted: “Obama signs Executive Order Allowing for Control…

Burned-out rubble is all that’s left of Christian shopkeeper Abskharon Suleiman’s appliance store in the northern Egyptian village of Sharbat. His home was destroyed as well as shops owned by his adult children – all targeted because they are Christians. Ten-year-old Romany Rashed remembers being terrified during the attack. The fourth grader told the the Christian…

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