A new poll shows that while a majority of Americans support the practice of in-vitro fertilization, the public is split on the morality of destroying frozen embryos created in the process. Gallup recently released its annual Values and Beliefs poll, examining Americans’ views on a wide variety of cultural and contentious issues. The survey, which…

A Christian tattoo
The world-famous mummy was covered with 61 tattoos, each indicating a possible religious meaning according to researchers.

Scientists are seeing incredible results from early testing of microchips inserted in the brain to boost memory. Is this a medical breakthrough, or the mark of something more sinister? The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been very involved in the development of brain chip implants, spending upwards of $77 million in the…

Which theory explains the existence of life and all its incredible forms, Darwin’s theory of evolution by virtue of natural selection or religiously centered creationism caused and controlled by God? In most debates, those are the only answers offered. Either life itself is a fluke that began in primordial soup with molecules that blundered across…

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