Adobe Stock | Inset: Gage Skidmore / Flickr
House Speaker Mike Johnson’s critics are having another field day criticizing his Christian views after a video surfaced of him speaking to Pastor Jim Garlow on the World Prayer Network, calling American culture “depraved.” The conversation occurred just weeks before Johnson became speaker. While discussing the country’s fiscal situation, Johnson began to discuss options for…

Wirestock Creators / | Jo Bouroch /
Something of a miniature conservative Civil War occurred earlier this month when conservative pundits Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, both from The Daily Wire, had a very public clash over the Israel-Hamas war. The controversy appears to have started with comments Owens made about Israel’s retaliation against Gaza after Hamas operatives attacked, murdered, and kidnapped…

ADF UK / YouTube
A UK woman who was arrested for praying silently outside an abortion clinic is speaking out about her experiences. Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who is the co-director of March for Life U.K., has had several run-ins with the law after being found praying outside abortion clinics. Vaughan-Spruce went viral last year after a video surfaced of her…

Adobe Stock
A new study released by Barna in partnership with Gloo has revealed that most Christians are not very open to the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in church. The study involved 1,500 US adults who were surveyed between July 28 to August 7. The study found that 30% of respondents strongly disagreed with the…

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