Beliefnet News

A Washington, D.C., exhibit of Chinese Bibles sponsored by China’s Communist government is an embarrassing farce that should cannot go unchallenged, say authors Charles Colson and Congressman Frank Wolf. Colson is the founder of Prison Fellowship, author of such bestsellers as Born Again and Kingdoms in Conflict, and was special counsel to President Nixon. Wolf…

Humiliated by his many false forecasts of impending doom, 90-year-old Harold Camping of the Family Radio network says that he’s trying to figure out why May 21st’s Judgment Day was a bust and how the universe failed to collapse on Oct. 21. “We are living in a day when one problem follows another,” he says in a five-minute audio message…

Twenty-four-year-old Joey DeFrancesco pulled off what most of us have only dreamed of. He quit his job in a way that made his boss look, well, perhaps not his best, in front of 2 million people and a marching band.   It seems Joey hated his job and was convinced his employer couldn’t stand him. So, he used his security card…

The sexually transmitted Human Papillomavirus, known to be the leading cause of cervical cancer, has also been linked to increased risk of heart attack according to new research released this week. “Women with cancer-causing strains of HPV may be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke, even when no conventional risk factors are present,”…

Leaders of the British Commonwealth 0f nations Friday unanimously approved new rules that would allow a future British monarch to marry a Catholic. They also dropped the longstanding rule of succession that made it difficult for a Princess to rise to the throne. Queens Elizabeth I, Victoria and Elizabeth II were crowned only because no…

Crosses in every room at Washingon D.C.’s Catholic University of America are a human rights violation that prevent Muslim students from praying. That’s the complaint to the Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights filed by a professor from rival George Washington University across town. GWU Law School Professor John Banzhaf takes the Catholic institution to task for acting “probably with…

About 3,000 Israelis gathered Thursday to ask the Almighty to intervene — and prevent the demolition of the community of Givat Asaf. Hebrew for “Asaf Hill,” the illegal settlement on the West Bank was named for Asaf Hershkovitz, a resident in nearby Ofra who was killed by terrorists.  Although the community is home to 17 families, it was built…

Dr. Robert H. Schuller’s famed Crystal Cathedral will be sold to nearby Chapman University if the church’s board has its way. Under the plan, Chapman University would purchase the Cathedral and surrounding buildings for $50 million. However, it would allow the church to continue to use the Cathedral itself — and eventually buy it back, reports Nicole Santa Cruz, in the Los…

South Africa’s national Advertising Standards Authority has ordered the removal of a TV commercial depicting angels falling from heaven as offensive to Christians.  The angelic beings are seen tumbling to Earth because they are attracted to a man wearing Axe deodorant. “A viewer who complained to the ASA about the advert said the suggestion that angels —…

Well, it turns out the end of the world has been rescheduled … AGAIN … for Friday. And if that doesn’t work out, we’ve always got next December. In fact, a New York Times bestselling author says he knows exactly who’s to blame. Incidentally, if you were counting on the Comet Elenin to end it all last…

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