Beliefnet News

The Russian president is using his Orthodox faith to justify his war in Ukraine that is claiming the lives of many.

Courtesy: Yuri Kochetkov/Pool Photo via AP
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been on the hearts and minds of everyone worldwide. People wonder what’s going on in Vladimir Putin’s mind and why he’s continuing this assault on Ukrainian people. Now, some are comparing him to the antichrist. A recent proclamation from a Ukrainian Orthodox Church official that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the “anti-Christ…

According to researchers, Brazil, known for having the most Catholics in the world, is predicted to become a Catholic minority this year.

Christmas is when Christians come together to celebrate Jesus. Many churches nationwide planned to have Christmas services in person this year, some coming together for the first time since 2019. The District Church, a multi-ethnic, nondenominational church in Washington, D.C., had three scheduled in-person services for Christmas Eve. However, lead pastor Aaron Graham announced that…

Some people question how others believe in things that you’ve never seen. That belief is defined as faith. Faith is the cornerstone of Christianity and other religions. We’ve never seen God walk in front of us, but we know that He exists. Coincidentally, the same idea exists in science. Scientists have never seen a neutron…

The courage that God provided Pastor Ndikumana saved countless lives that day.

The stage's inverted cross was said to be a 'portal to hell.'

A Christian tattoo
The world-famous mummy was covered with 61 tattoos, each indicating a possible religious meaning according to researchers.

Benhur Arcayan/WikiCommons
The American Life League believes that it is critical for the leader of the Catholic Church to consult with Biden to correct his pro-abortion stance.

Christmas is usually the time of year where people are the most giving, attempting to spread Christmas cheer wherever they go. Operation Christmas Child, an annual charity created by Christian relief agency Samaritan’s Purse, says that its mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need worldwide. Each year, families…

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