Beliefnet News

He made the ultimate sacrifice. French police officer Arnaud Beltrame died after voluntarily taking the place of a female hostage during a recent terrorist attack on a Super U supermarket in Trèbes, southern France. An ISIS-inspired gunman killed Beltrame and three others. He was a devout Christian. Beltrame, who once served in Iraq, was part…

Thousands of students walked out of school this week for 17 minutes. Each minute was meant to represent one of the students killed in the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The protest was meant to demand stricter gun laws, but one Virginia school did not want to bring politics into a time meant to…

Pope Francis is at it again. The head of the Roman Catholic Church has suggested overturning centuries of tradition and allowing married men to become priests. This unexpected reform comes in response to a shortage of Catholic priests. Since 1965, there has been almost a 30 percent decrease in the number of priest in the…

Christians in the Singotam village in the southern region of India were corned and harassed by Hindu extremists who stole a box of Bibles and then set them on fire. The extremist group issued harsh threats to Christians who were distributing the Bibles before snatching their car keys and taking Bibles out of their vehicles.…

In November, Father Dimitrie Vincent was injured and paralyzed after a horrible accident during a hockey game. The priest lost his balance while playing in an over-60 men’s recreational hockey league game at the Redford Ice Arena. “We were coming to the close of the game and we were down by a couple goals,” Father…

God could soon be making an appearance in every public school in Florida. Following the deadly Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, the Florida House of Representatives has passed a bill that would require all schools and administrative buildings to display a powerful message: “In God we trust.” The bill was approved in a 97-10…

Church leaders have said that they will finally reopen the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Wednesday, after shutting it down in protest due to a newly proposed tax plan that was to impose taxes on church properties in the holy city. Several major denominations, including the Roman Catholic and Green Orthodox churches,…

Archaeologists in Israel made a groundbreaking discovery this week. They say that they have found a seal mark that may bear the signature of the biblical Prophet Isaiah. The 2,700-year-old stamped clay artifact was found during excavation at the foot of the southern wall of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. It is inscribed with the name Yesha’yah[u]…

Two weeks after a deadly school shooting at a Florida high school took the lives of 17 people, the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Pennsylvania is holding a ceremony blessing couples that own an AR-15 assault rifle. This already controversial event is made even more divisive by the fact that the shooter in Florida…

Jim Bakker is making headlines again three years after his “Praise the Lord” (PTL) empire near Charlotte collapsed amid financial corruption and sexual scandal. Now, instead of rebuilding his 2,300 acre Christian theme park and resort, Heritage USA, Bakker is selling supplies for the coming apocalypse. “We are in the final days,” Bakker says. While…

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