Beliefnet News

The Dallas shopping mall’s atrium was filled with excited hopefuls of all ages. They stood patiently in line, applications in hand, hoping to be the next nationwide TV game show winners. But on this new show they wouldn’t be answering “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” trivia. Nor would they show off their “Price Is Right” knowledge or…

Has Barack Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage undermined his support among black churches? When President Barack Obama announced his support for homosexual marriage, a number of black pastors and Christian leaders were caught off guard – and even embarrassed. On the one hand, they supported the first black president, but on the other hand could not endorse…

It was perhaps the dullest Republican victory party since Herbert Hoover. Mitt Romney won the Texas primary and with it the national Republican nomination for president. What followed was a victory party that could have been sponsored by Serta and Sominex. No brass bands. No fireworks. No victory speech. Not even a candidate – Romney…

Were America’s founding fathers influenced by Jesus Christ? Rather than debate the topic, why not just look into their personal journals? What did they say? Christopher Columbus in his Book of Prophecies: It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible…

After years of criticizing the church, kicking out Christian missionaries, assisting terrorists and praising atheists, Venezuela’s mercurial strongman, Hugo Chavez, came home from a botched cancer treatment in Cuba, then took to Venezuela’s airwaves to call out to Christ for help. “Give me Your crown, Jesus,” the ailing autocrat proclaimed. “Give me Your cross, Your thorns so that I may…

Guest Blogger: Bethany Blankley Pastor Charles Worley of Maiden, North Carolina created a firestorm among Christians and non-Christians when he suggested that homosexuals be rounded up and put inside electrical fences, left to die. Obviously, this is not the Christian message of loving our neighbors, let alone loving our enemies, which Jesus preached. Yes the…

The report is difficult to believe: A paid “anti-bullying” expert is caught on video ranting at a national convention of high schoolers and is recorded bullying the Christian kids who were offended by his obscenities. They quietly follow his advice to homosexual youth in his “It Gets Better Project”– to passively walk away from bullies,…

Will the church of the future be on line? We seem to be heading that way, says think-tank president Ron Sellers who points to recent findings that among American adults who use the Internet, 44 percent use it for religious purposes.  “This is particularly common among younger Americans,” says Sellers, who heads up Grey Matter Research…

Is there an unwritten religious litmus test for the U.S. presidency? Do voters require candidates to be “not just religious, but acceptably religious”? Yes, say Northwest Nazarene University professors Steve Shaw and Darrin Grinder. If they are right, will Mitt Romney’s Mormonism doom his bid for the presidency? After all, Catholicism was blamed for New…

The daughter of an Oral Roberts University trustee was pulled from the wreckage of a crashed small aircraft by a former U.S. Marine sergeant severely injured in the crash, who then helped her wave down help along a highway. Three were killed in the crash, and former U.S. Marines Sgt. Austin Anderson, recently returned from two tours in Iraq, died after being…

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