Are Christianity and Islam about to merge in to a worldwide mega-religion called Chrislam? Popular TV preacher Jack Van Impe recently ended his decades-long run on Trinity Broadcasting Network after he publicly accused California megachurch founder Rick Warren of mixing Christian and Muslim beliefs. TBN pulled the episode before a repeat broadcast could air —…

Noah, machine gun preachers, religious cops, golfers finding their faith — good family movies with solid plots, beautiful cinematography and A-list stars are shaking Hollywood to its violent, filthy, perverse core — but the studios don’t care as long as it makes lots of money. “In many quarters, Hollywood has long been regarded as an essentially godless place. But…

Islam’s most populous nation, Indonesia, is the most diverse nation imaginable — a far-flung archipelego of 13,466 islands where 238 million people speaking 742 languages live in everything from luxurious skyscraper penthouses to squalid cardboard slums, mountainside-hugging bamboo huts and rain-forest tree houses. The government only recognizes six religions. Census figures show the population is overwhelmingly Muslim at 86.1 percent…

Therapy can assist a homosexual who wants to be heterosexual, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Psychologists Stanton L. Jones of Wheaton College and Mark A. Yarhouse of Regent University are the authors of the longitudinal study. It tracked individuals who were seeking to change their sexual orientation — and documents their…

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