Why is a 2,000-member New Jersey church with no building planning a $30,000 “reverse offering” followed by $60,000 more donated back to the community? “Washington is broke, people are broke, and folks have lost faith that government can provide a lasting solution to economic issues,” says Tim Lucas, pastor of Liquid Church, an evangelical congregation which…

A new study shows that a majority of Americans believe God is the guiding force that is leading America’s economy and the government is too big. As a result, sociologists concluded these believers are upset about U.S. economic policy because they believe increased government regulation and interference in personal freedoms go against God’s plans. According…

The Southern Baptists are considering changing their name. “The announcement from Southern Baptist Convention President Bryant Wright of a presidential task force to study the prospect of changing the convention’s name sparked a lively debate during the SBC Executive Committee meeting Sept. 19 in Nashville, Tenn.,” writes Mark Kelly with the Baptist Press news service.…

The statue of a bare-breasted woman has been uncovered in a Bristol, England, church where John Wesley preached. Art experts removed a piece of 17th century armor consisting of a breastplate and backplate so that “she now stands – as they believe the artist intended – with her green frock pulled down and a red shawl…

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