Pope Francis believes that the devil is to blame for the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church and the issues dividing the Church. Francis is calling on Catholic around the world to recite a special prayer every day in October to try to beat him back according to Reuters. “[The Church must be] saved…

There is a modern exodus occurring in the Catholic Church. More Americans are leaving the Church behind than any other religion in the U.S. according to a new report. About 13 percent of American adults are former Catholics – people who were raised in the faith but now have no religion, or converted to Protestantism…

Pope Francis said “silence and prayer” were the answer to those “seeking scandal” as the Catholic Church faces countless attacks from ultra-conservative Catholics. To many ultra-conservatives, the Pope is viewed as a dangerous progressive who is more interested in social issues than traditional Church matters. The Pope so far has not yet responded to allegations…

Pope Francis is at it again. The head of the Roman Catholic Church has suggested overturning centuries of tradition and allowing married men to become priests. This unexpected reform comes in response to a shortage of Catholic priests. Since 1965, there has been almost a 30 percent decrease in the number of priest in the…

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