Man Code entries are designed for parents or adults seeking to grow young boys into strong Christian men. Previous entries can be found here. “Walk with the wise and become wise,     for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20 You don’t have as much control over the direction of your life as you might think you…

This is the second entry for those looking to disciple and train their sons (or grandsons) who are still in the house and growing in their faith in Jesus. Use these Man Code entries as an opportunity to discuss deeper spiritual issues with your son! (Previous Man Code entries can be found here.) “The fear…

Take a moment and answer the following questions honestly. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, that’s an indication of spiritual warfare in your life. If you answer “yes” to multiple questions, well then, we’ve got some work to do. Do you feel defeated even though you’re a Christian and you know you’re…

This is the first of (what hopefully will be) many Man Code entries to my sons. My oldest son, Zeke, recently committed his life to Jesus and my continued goal is to shape him (and my other two boys) into godly young men. If you have sons that you are raising and discipling, please use (read and…

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