unsplash-logoBethany Laird
Bethany Laird

The following is a devotion from my message series 10 Steps to Freedom. I hope these devotionals help you experience lasting freedom in Jesus!

STEP FOUR: day 4

Transform your mind through the power of Scripture

What does it look like on a practical level to transform your mind through the power of Scripture? How can Scripture begin to wash away the filth and nastiness of your mind and sanctify you? Here are five steps to get you started:

  1. Read it. This is a simple way to get started. What would it take to read a chapter a day? If you don’t know where to start, begin with the Gospel of John, the fourth book in the New Testament. It’s an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus.
  2. Study it. There are numerous Bible studies in print and online that you can engage with to go deeper into Scripture. As deep as you go into Scripture, you’ll never run out of life-changing truths to discover.
  3. Memorize it. When you memorize Scripture you literally put the Word into your mind, which is your primary battleground for freedom. Select strategic verses to memorize and watch those truths transform the way you think. You can start with Romans 12:1-2.
  4. Meditate on it. As you memorize Scripture you’ll begin to think upon its truths over and over again. Like an ever-flowing well, every time you go back to a passage you’ll discover new power. Intentionally focus your mind on Scripture over a long period of time.
  5. Explore it with others. The Bible comes alive in you when you live it in community. Study it with others!


1. Of the five steps listed today, which is the one you’re most familiar with? Which one seems the most foreign to you

2. What are three or four Bible verses (or passages) that you can begin to memorize and meditate on over the next several weeks to begin to transform your mind for the better?

You can read other devotional entries for 10 Steps to Freedom here.

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