If you read Daniel 3, you’ll discover an amazing real-life story of three men who courageously spoke truth to power even at the threat of their own lives. In a previous post I share four harmful ways we respond to trials in our lives. From the positive standpoint, what can we learn from the lives…

There’s no getting around difficult times in our lives. As followers of Jesus, however, we are called to respond differently than the rest of the world. It could be a relationship that is going downhill, a situation you weren’t expecting or a trial that seems to be sapping your last ounce of energy. How do you respond…

It could be a husband that doesn’t believe. It could be a daughter trapped in a deceptive relationship. It could be a friend in denial of their alcoholism. It could be a coworker crushed under the weight of depression. However it manifests, we all have people close to us that are imprisoned by the deceptions of…

How do you raise up children in Christ in this difficult world? That’s a really, good question for parents to ask today. The question is not just how do you raise up kids today? There are a million books out there from a million experts on how to do that. It’s the problem that there are many Christians…

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